Thursday, April 30, 2009


People laugh for so many reasons. Maybe they find something to be funny, or they're tickled, or, sometimes, they laugh for no other reason than that they are completely and utterly delighted. I rode my bike this morning before work and thought about that last reason, because I found myself laughing. (And not in a creepy, weird sort of way, either.) The trees are blooming and some have already begun to grown green. The air was cool and the sun was bright, and I was so lighthearted and absolutely delighted as I pedaled down the path that sometimes I just laughed. It was a great way to start the day, not unlike the day before, which started out with a 2-mile run on the boardwalk at the beach. I was at a convention for work, and I'm so glad I managed to get in a run early in the morning. Every moment I took in and savored the atmosphere -- the sound of the ocean, the smell of the air, the warmth of summer, and all of the other people on the boardwalk enjoying it with me.

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